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Glitches&Bugs in the video:
-Star Stable pet without saddle bag glitch
-Star Stable pause the race glitch
-Star Stable standing on your horse glitch
-Star Stable single-player glitch
-Star Stable horse following you glitch
-Star Stable pink fog glitch (2 ways)
-Star Stable invisible glitch
-Star Stable Jorvik Wild Horse magic coat anywhere
-Star Stable dance or sit anywhere glitch
-Star Stable cute effects and grooming your horse anywhere glitch
-Star Stable no fog in Dino Valley glitch
-Star Stable better look at manes and tails glitch
-Star Stable stable care glitch
-Star Stable closet glitch
If you have any ideas for my future videos comment! :)
#starstable #sso #starfam #Minatozy