Our H. M. Mrs. Anjali Bhavanishankar Deo has come with a innovative project for girls in our school. Name of the project is PINK ROOM for girls
The school has been well known for celebrating the femininity and women hood. The school head along with the teachers and other stakeholders have laid special emphasis on the growth and development of female students. Due to the menstrual cycles the school witnessed absenteeism among the female students. Therefore in order to promote the welfare of girl child and ensuring a conductive space for them to prosper, the school initiated to brake the rigid orthodoxies and taboos associated with periods. The school head Mrs. Anjali Bhavanishankar Deo with the help of the Gujarati Education Society developed "PINK ROOM" in the school premises.
This is an important step towards eliminating gender discrimination, improving the health of female students, making them more productive and reducing the absenteeism.
email ID: mghsamt@gmail.com