
Moral of the Story

Moral of the Story Damn, I relate so hard to Moral of the Story by Ashe. I just hate how I would hide my feelings for the sake of the other person when I was basically in agony, never feeling like enough and just trying to convince myself it was all for love. I knew what the outcome would be, but I would still put myself through the pain. But there really was a moral to the story, and I learned from it. Don't follow red flags because you're lonely, ,or give your all for someone who won't do the same for you. It'll just end in pain. Just because they're broken, it doesn't mean it's your job to fix them no matter how much you love them. If they really loved you, they would try for you and not just make excuses. All of it sounds like common sense and it is but I still ignored the signs. Next time I won't... I hope lol

In spite of all that, I didn't want to draw some depressing piece like I probably would normally. Mainly because I don't feel that way. I've learned that what happened was for the best and I'm hopeful I'll find the one that's right for me.

On a lighter note, I really love the new Clip Studio brushes I found for free! They're so textured and fun! I'm definitely gonna be painting like this a lot more!

moral of the story,drawing,art,artwork,speed paint,speedpaint,anime,manga,painting,digital art,love,

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