
LSy_08 Five Hundred Disciples Predictions, Kubo & Yuyama , Lotus Sutra (Mar 2020)

LSy_08 Five Hundred Disciples Predictions, Kubo & Yuyama , Lotus Sutra (Mar 2020) Audio Texts.."O Bhagavat! Suppose there were a man who came to the house of a close friend and went to sleep after becoming intoxicated with wine. The intimate friend, having to go out on official business, sews a priceless jewel into the inside of his friend's garment and, giving it to him, leaves. But the man who was drunk and asleep is totally unaware of this. After getting up he leaves and roams around until he arrives in another country. Although he diligently seeks for food and clothing they are very difficult to obtain. He is satisfied if he just obtains a very meager amount. Later on the intimate friend happens to meet this man. Seeing him, he says:
O poor fellow! How have you come to this state through lack of food and clothing? Once, on such-and-such a day in such-and-such a month and year, I sewed a priceless jewel into the inside of your garment,
wanting to make things easier for you and to let you enjoy the desires of the five senses as much as you wished.
It is still there, although you aren't aware of it, and you seek your livelihood with great effort and hardship! You have been very foolish. Sell this jewel and use it to buy what you need. From now on you will know neither poverty nor want and can live as you wish.
"The Buddha is exactly like this. When he was a bodhisattva he aroused in us the aspiration for omniscience. Nevertheless we forgot, we did not know or understand. We attained the path of the arhats and considered that we had attained nirvana. It was very hard for us to support ourselves and we were satisfied with little. But we never fully lost our wish for all-knowledge. Now the Bhagavat, perceiving our minds, has said this:
O monks! What you have attained is not the complete nirvana. For a long time I have made you plant the various roots of good merit of a buddha and shown you the marks of nirvana through skillful means. That is why you consider yourselves to have actually attained nirvana!
"O Bhagavat! We now know that we are actually bodhisattvas and will obtain a prediction of highest, complete enlightenment. For this reason we are extremely happy at having obtained such an unprecedented experience."

Translated from the Chinese of Kumarajiva 2007
By Tsugunari Kubo and Akira Yuyama
Chapter VIII
The Five Hundred Disciples Receive Their Predictions

LSy_08_Kubo_Yuyama_LotusSutra.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020-03-04 20-01-54.mp4

Dieu Phap Lien Hoa,Lotus Sutra,Saddharma Pundarika Sutra,Kumarajiva,kinh phat co chu,audio book,Buddhist Sutta,sách nói,lich tran,Buddhism Sutra,Kinh Phat,Thich Tri Tinh,H. Kern,Burton Watson,Tsugunari Kubo,Akira Yuyama,

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