धेरै ठाउँमा सोध्यौं – ‘मास्क छ ?’ तर, कही पनि नपाइए पछि हामीले मास्क माथि स्टिङ अपरेशन चलायौं । त्यसपछि पाइयो ५० रुपैयाँमा पाइने मास्कलाई ३ सय रुपैयाँमा ।
Mask - Sting operation of Sajha KathaWe've asked several places, Do you have a mask? But we can not find it anywhere. So we start a sting operation on mask shortage. During this operation, we found that the mask is selling on 300 rupees but its actual price must be 50.
#SajhaKatha #Mask #StingOperation
About Sajha Katha :
Sajha Katha is a common platform for the storytellers and the listeners where untold stories are told, unheard stories are heard whereby the unexposed stories are exposed. It brings the hidden real stories through researches. It opens the basis for new debate. It gives vision and direction for exploration. In a nutshell, it gives avenues for solution and transformation.
Production Team for This Story:
Storyteller: Subhak Mahato
Camera Person: Ratnamani Dahal
Visual Editor: Santosh Dawadi, Rupesh Thapaliya
Sound Designer: Roshan Thapa
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