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This video is about the five ways that you're looking crazy to guys and I'm telling you, ladies, the reason why I'm making this video is that some of you are just not crazy but when you guys act this way, you look crazy. So we're gonna be talking about what those 5 things are and how you could avoid looking crazy.
This goes to when you're meeting somebody for the first time, this even goes for jobs and job applications, this goes for dates, for friends, for meeting your boyfriend's parents: if you do these 5 things, you're gonna look crazy and you don't want that especially if you watch my channel.
The first one is that you talk too fast. Simply talking slower will make you look less crazy. Sometimes you talk too fast because you're anxious or nervous, sometimes you talk too fast because you're trying to impress so it's normal, it doesn't mean you're crazy BUT it makes you LOOK crazy.
The second one is when you laugh a lot. Like laughing (or smiling) way too much. Like, always being happy. That kind of stuff, when it comes to giving a good impression, you got to lower you non-verbals. If you want to impress people, lower your non-verbals by talking slower, laughing slower, smiling less or making your smile more subtle than obvious.
The third one is doing intense eye contact. You got to look away sometimes. Too intense eye contact + smiling and shit? When you're really into somebody, you're not gonna notice yourself giving away so you got to really control yourself. You can't just be too intense.
The fourth one is wanting too much of his time too soon. You're on a date and you're already scheduling the next date? Nah, you can't be doing that. When you're going out with a guy, let him schedule all the dates for the first month or so. You cannot be scheduling the dates, you got to let him do that.
The fifth one is falling in love too fast. You cannot do this because it's gonna make you look crazy. If you happen to fall in love fast, you got to see a therapist because it has to do with the things you didn't get in your childhood from your parents. That just means that you want love that you never got so I would recommend seeing a therapist so you could talk things out. It has nothing to do with the other person, it has more to do with your unmet needs.
When you give yourself the love that you want others to give you, what's gonna happen is that people will begin to give you the love you always wanted. It's okay if you fall in love fast but you want to look at yourself why that is and talk to somebody.
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