
WHO to decide on whether to declare coronavirus 'global emergency'

WHO to decide on whether to declare coronavirus 'global emergency' WHO "중국, 출국자도 신종코로나 검역해야" 권고

Continuing our coverage of the chaos triggered by the new coronavirus.
To give you some idea of the seriousness,... the confirmed cases have now outnumbered that of the 2003 SARS outbreak,... and all within a matter of a few weeks.
For more on this, our Choi Jeong-yoon is on the line.
Jeong-yoon, it looks like this outbreak is here to stay... at least for some more time to come.
Right. So the new type of coronavirus that first sprouted up in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last month continues to claim more victims.
As of Wednesday, the death toll in China had soared to 132,... and some 15 hundred extra cases were confirmed compared to the day before.
This brings the total number of confirmed cases in China to over 6 thousand,... an infection rate much faster than the outbreak of SARS, which had around 53 hundred confirmed cases in 2003.
As the virus continues to spread quickly, the World Health Organization has advised China to test everyone leaving the country.
WHO suggests China check for symptoms of high fever or coughs among those departing.
With the cases related human-to-human transmission increasing,... the WHO will decide on whether to announce a global emergency within the next 24 hours.
Global emergencies are declared when a disease or virus spreads across borders and is considered to be putting other countries' public health in danger.
Once in place, relevant regions undergo thorough investigations along with restrictions on travel and trade.
A number of countries have sent chartered planes to retrieve their nationals from Wuhan. What do we know so far... and what are they doing to ensure these people don't spread the virus in their home countries?
Some two hundred U.S. citizens who were in Wuhan arrived at an air reserve base some 90 kilometers away from Los Angeles on Wednesday morning, local time.
All of them underwent medical tests twice in China and none had symptoms of pneumonia.
But as the incubation period of the coronavirus lasts two weeks, the passengers be examined once again in California and will be put into emergency shelters at the air base for three days to two weeks.
Meanwhile, Japan also brought out some two hundred nationals, of which 13 had fevers and coughs.
According to Kyodo News, two people, men in their 40s and 50s were diagnosed with pneumonia but their symptoms were relatively trivial.
People with symptoms were hospitalized, while the rest are staying at a hotel in Chiba Prefecture.
The authorities tested every passenger for the novel coronavirus except for two people who denied the test.
Japan will establish a health-follow up center and will watch for symptoms in the evacuees via phone and email.
That's all I have for now, but I will be back with more updates in our later newscast.

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