

PSALMS 120 AND 121: NO PRIVATE INTERPRETATION, A WARNING FROM GOD. I just read them and the interpretation is simple and direct in this case.
I have something to tell you from the Lord that is not nice: 80% of christian you tubers are not guided by the Bible but by their private interpretations. I will try to explain it shortly. The Bible has legitimate layers like the ones contained in the book of Ruth, Esther, Song of Songs... and so on. But, I do not want to believe is for having more people but instead for their wanting the rapture to happen (which I want too!) that many teach things not contained in the Holy Word. They invent them, imagine them, fabric them and so many go to the non born again jews for knowledge forgetting they do not have the Holy Spirit! Visions, dreams and hidden knowledge that claim comes from the Lord. But he speaks always the same to all of his people:US. The same Bible forbids us to interpret it privately! I suppose this video will not be much liked, but I say what the Lord tells me, not what you tubers will love listening to. Sorry. My master is Jesus, not you tube.
One example, among many, are the poor psalms (I got into this myself before checking it correctly).Some have layers regarding Jesus death, second coming, kingdom and future events like WW3 in psalm 83.
BUT, these 2 psalms, along with the 119, 122,123,124,125 and 126 have nothing to do with the rapture and coming tribulation. They said 119 meant rapture in 2019 and it passed to prove them wrong. They always excuse themselves instead of repenting saying "the Lord told me so and I will keep on doing this". I am not talking about regular christians now but pastors and others that live by this. Another thing is a christian that sincerely believes that, this is another thing, we are all human and can misinterpret God. He is the only that is always correct. The context is vital. Also He has tarried (to prove us), he told me so. Peter tells this too. He has delayed his coming on purpose. He is perfect, works with paterns and numbers and appointed times and loves order, so everything is planed in detail and has been revealed to us. We know now what in past times did not know, I am talking about end times prophesy, the rest they knew from the apostles time the correct doctrines and so on. He will come JUST IN TIME to take us out of here. Amen!
I believe 2020 is the year, but not because of this. And they should repent from it but I believe most will not do it. We must not buy new or strange interpretations right away without checking they fit all the Bible and the rules of hermeneutics and so on. People just love to hear new things like they did in Antioquia in Paul's time! I am not monetized, and never will, because my motivation is to reach people and preach the gospel, but there are some legitimate monetized chanels that help others, do not get me wrong. And there are legitimate dreams and visions and revelations for this end times as well. We have to ask for discernment of spirits to Jesus and he will give it to us.
O.K. I hope I explained it clear. It is very easy to upload a video without knowing the Bible but we have a very serious responsibility. Somebody can listen to us and go astray if we do not teach the correct doctrines and interpretations, and God will demand their blood from us. If we are wrong we humbly rectify, as simple as that, and APOLOGIZE.
Only to add that I have realized people prefer elaborated, sophisticated and confusing things instead of the simple and plain ones. Even the end times revelations given to us by numbers, paterns and so on are clear, no need to be mathematics or experts in any field, because our teacher is the Holy Spirit and teaches us free! Only requirement: to be sanctifying in the Lord, humble, patient and walk with the Lord daily with no other intention than loving him and be able to reach others for non profit, just to help them enter the kingdom through the only gate: Jesus. This is all we need.
Sorry, I still write more than I say, I will try not to for the deaf people to get all the message in the video. What happens sometimes is that I remember something relevant and add it to this section. Please, bear with me. Thank you.
So, I hope this video helps you to chose from so many chanels. The Holy Spirit in prayer and your Bible study will help you dearly in this.
God bless you all. Amen.

psalms,rapture,coming tribulation,private interpretation forbidden,bible study,warning from god,god,jesus,lord,KJV,WW3,layers in psalms,

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