
Makeup Mess I Shouldn't Have Bought | What Was I Thinking?!. . .

Makeup Mess I Shouldn't Have Bought | What Was I Thinking?!. . . Salutations good people! Here is a bit of what in the Sam Hill was I thinking makeup purchases! LoL! I just bought some things based off of the hype and to buy to have/say I have it or sheer curiousity. . .
Welcome/Willkommen to my channel! My name is Melissa Hilliard Ifekristi-Isnard and I hope you enjoy all the content here. If you're into: makeup/beauty, music, art, literature/books, telly shows, classic films/movies, comics, animated/cartoon series, history, video essays, phlebotomy/med field, pre-med, oddball humour/silliness and other bits of randomness: come aboard, you might just dig this.

About Me:
Born and bred in Silver Spring, MD/Washington D.C. area - Marylander-Washingtonian - currently residing in the Central IL area :(
Height: 6'4 ft
Age: Ageless baybay!
Single - No Children as of yet! – There’s a top for every pot (someone for everyone says the mommymonster)
No Pets (love them just don't have them)
Nerd big time nerd!
Love most genres of music
Love literature and reading
I miss the Mid-Atlantic/East Coast - planning on moving back home ASAP!
I have one older sister – and some bonus siblings (step-siblings). . .
Pretty boring and awkward – the levels of awkwardness are astounding sometimes. LoL!
Loooooove makeup - I own quite a bit. Eyeshadows and lipsticks are my vices. . .
Former English/Lit-Journalism Student/Former Funeral Services Student
I am also a: Phlebotomist/Med tech/Nurses Assistant *not a CNA*
Pre-pre-med student (or whatever I am trying to do with the rest of my life)
Maternal side: huge melting pot/Paternal side: Nigerian and Jewish
Proud spectacle wearer since I was 8 years old.
Anything else you want to know: ASK ME.

Email address:

One form of social media - no twiddle no faceybook just Instagram:

Hope you enjoy the weirdness awkwardness entertainment! ***

#makeupregrets, #whatintheworldwasithinkingbuyingthis, #colourpop, #melissahilliardifekristiisnard,


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