
Are the 10 Commandments inferior to the Satanic 7 Tenets? | Intro to the Tend Commandments

Are the 10 Commandments inferior to the Satanic 7 Tenets? | Intro to the Tend Commandments Are the Ten Commandments a good moral code, or are they primitive and out of date? What if we could do a compare-and-contrast of the Ten Commandments with a significant secular ethical code, like the Seven Tenets of the Satanic Temple? Would we find more similarities or differences? And should that make a difference in how we think about ethics, religion, and the modern world?

Those are the questions I want to begin exploring in an upcoming series on each of the Ten Commandments. This is not an exhaustive explanation, just an intro to the kind of analysis I'm going to be doing.

This channel, REFRAME, is going to be my attempt to putting Christian concepts in a new light, a new frame of reference. My goal is to address worldview issues from a Christian perspective. We're starting with Ethics and the Ten Commandments now but we will cover lots of topics!

Sources I consulted while preparing for this new series:
Patheos Article -
Dennis Prager series -
Cosmic Skeptic onDenis Prager -
Christopher Hitchens videos -
Bible Project Podcast -
"The Ten Commandments" by Patrick Miller -
"I Am The Lord Your God" ed. Braaten & Seitz -
"What Is The Bible" by Rob Bell -

Ten Commandments,Reframe,Decalogue,Bible,

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