
5 Alarming Things Public Schools Teach, that are Turning Our Children into Deadbeats!

5 Alarming Things Public Schools Teach, that are Turning Our Children into Deadbeats! Nicolas Pardue has been a High School Economics teacher for Over 25 years. He has observed our Public Schools evolve into teachings meant to ultimately turn our children into entitled Socialists. AND he is fed up.

In this video, Nicolas will go over 5 of the main ways this is happening underneath our noses. Most parents aren't aware because it has happened slowly , but by the time they reach high school, the final grooming preparation is set for sending all children to 4 year Universities that complete the indoctrination cycle to be ingrained for life.

Nick Pardue has decided there MUST be a change and is running as a Republican Candidate for California Assembly District 67. He is a 4 year veteran of the US Army as a Cavalry Scout.

You can donate to help his campaign at

Nicolas Pardue,California Assembly #67,High School Indoctrination Process,C-VINE,Linda Forsythe,

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