
What Might an Accidental Be Telling Us in a Piece of Music? - Music Theory

What Might an Accidental Be Telling Us in a Piece of Music? - Music Theory We often see accidentals in music but they have different significance depending on the context. Accidentals might be flagging up a key change, or they might be decorative chromatic notes, or they might be signifying a minor key, or they may be part of a chromatic chord. In this video, all these possibilities are explored and explained and will help performers interpret the significance of accidentals in the music they are playing and will help composers to understand more fully the different ways in which accidentals can be used.

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0:01 – Introduction to accidentals
0:51 – Seeing accidentals in a piece
2:12 – Modulation
5:09 – Chromatic inessential notes
8:41 – Minor keys
11:36 – Chromatic chords

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