
Overwatch: Hero Ban Pools Change EVERYTHING!

Overwatch: Hero Ban Pools Change EVERYTHING! Hero Pools (aka Developer Bans lol?) are a controversial issue, but given enough time to think about it, after the shock has worn off, it appears more community members are PRO the system than against. In today's video Nateson Samito and FREEDO discuss potential cons and pros to the system, how it'll effect the regular ranked experience as well as pro Overwatch all the way up to OWL. Overall, this is likely the exact type of outrageous move Overwatch HAS to make. Hero bans may have been a more reasonable first step, but 2020 Overwatch is shooting for the stars and we're getting a much stronger system to guarantee diversity of gaemplay for ALL tiers and completely break the conception of meta in Overwatch forever. NO ONE has to be a meta slave... but also no one gets the security of learning only the best heroes for months. This will be a radical change for sure, but one that fulfils the promises of diverse gameplay Overwatch has always promised! If you enjoyed the video, please be sure to leave the video a like and don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon to actually get notified when our videos go live!

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Overwatch,overwatch gameplay,overwatch funny moments,blizzard,overwatch hero pools,overwatch 2,overwatch hero rotations,overwatch hero ban pool,overwatch developer ban,overwatch hero ban,overwatch hero bans,overwatch hero ban system,overwatch hero pool system,overwatch meta,overwatch meta discussion,

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