
Health minister breaks down in tears when announcing 11th coronavirus case

Health minister breaks down in tears when announcing 11th coronavirus case Taiwan''s health minister made headlines when he broke down in tears Tuesday night over the coronavirus outbreak. In a rare moment of emotion, Minister Chen Shih-chung cried as he announced Taiwan''s 11th case of the coronavirus. This 11th case is a Taiwanese man who had been stranded in Wuhan for weeks. Chen said doctors would do everything they could to save the patient. Chen Shih-chungCentral Epidemic Command CenterAll of us – upon receiving the result, we were so dismayed. But after all, that was the main point of bringing them back.Late Tuesday, Taiwan announced its 11th case of coronavirus. The head of the Central Epidemic Command Center appeared in low spirits. He pleaded for overworked medical professionals to muster the energy needed to save the patient. Chen Shih-chungCentral Epidemic Command CenterWe wanted to prevent patients from having to stay in Wuhan, where the health care situation is not as good and where they’re very likely to lose their precious lives. We want our medical community to do its utmost to help.While speaking, Chen choked up and fought back tears, before wiping them with a tissue given to him. His distress met a flood of encouraging comments from those watching on the livestream. A flight carrying 247 Taiwanese from Wuhan had arrived at 11:40 Monday night. Chen had pulled on protective clothing and a mask to meet them at the airport and oversee their transit to quarantine. At 6 a.m. he ran an inspection of a quarantine center in Central Taiwan, before taking questions at two press conferences, one in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Late Tuesday evening, he announced the latest confirmed case at a third news conference. All told, the minister had been on duty for at least 24 hours straight.Chen Shih-chungCentral Epidemic Command CenterI am sorry for losing control of my emotions. It is just that we feel all of us did everything in our power.When speaking about the latest coronavirus case, the minister broke down twice, and he praised his personnel for their tireless work. Taiwanese internet users have responded with sympathy. On the health ministry’s social media page, comments of support have poured in for the minister.One internet user photoshopped pajamas on Chen’s image and launched a social media campaign, where commenters reminded the minister to get some sleep. Chen Shih-chung (2017.2.8)Central Epidemic Command CenterI’m stepping into the role of minister with caution and trepidation. I am taking the baton from Minister Lin, and so his policies will continue and we will strive for stability with our personnel. Chen, who took office in February 2017, is known for an unassuming nature that’s given him the nickname “Silent Minister.” A dentist by training, he was questioned about his ability to lead the health ministry and its annual budget of NT$700 billion. Over the years, he’s proven himself in a post with a notoriously low retention rate. Chen has now surpassed Chiang Been-huang to become Taiwan’s longest-serving health minister in history.Chen Shih-chung (2017.2.8)Central Epidemic Command CenterI would rather die in a fight than due to depression. It is my hope that when I step down, I step down without regrets.Amid China’s coronavirus outbreak, Chen has been hailed for rising to the moment and for selfless leadership in a time of crisis.

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