
Female and Male Bodies Are More Different than We Previously Thought, and Why This Matters

Female and Male Bodies Are More Different than We Previously Thought, and Why This Matters There are far more differences between men’s and women’s bodies than the ones we enjoy when we are having sex and watching porn. This video shows why these differences are important, and how estrogen and testosterone are only a part of what makes us male or female.

I’ve created these videos for the the first generation of young adults who have grown up shooting each other on their Xboxes and Playstations, and who can’t remember before Pornhub, Minecraft, and Netflix. I hope you enjoy them, and I hope they encourage you to think about sex in new and different ways.

ABOUT DR. PAUL JOANNIDES: I am a research psychoanalyst, sex educator, and author of the 'Guide To Getting It On.' (Here's the Amazon link for my book: I run the Alsea Bay Llama Rescue with my wife, Toni, and my cheesecake won 'best of division' at the Oregon State Fair--although I think my biscotti are even better, and my rum-infused banana bread hopefully takes boring banana bread to an entirely different level. I have been on the editorial boards of the 'Journal of Sexual Medicine' and the 'American Journal of Sexuality Education.' I have also been very fortunate to have received the Professional Excellence Award from the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists. My website is

sex education,men,women,testosterone,estrogen,depression,arthritis,anxiety,memory,sound,pain,drugs,sex,chromosomes,dna,smoking,cancer,

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