Cbd 3Dimension Hair Color is enriched with:
The natural ingredient cannabidol which is known for its many beneficial properties and is used for therapeutic use. Now, you can use it for hair treatment for the first time.
Hydrolyzed keratin which helps to harden the disulfide bonds and give strenght by preventing hair breaking and shearing.
Argan oil completes the treatment through CBD3D dye giving your hair all the necessary moisture to provide lasting shine to the hair color.
A a result Cbd 3Dimension offers:
Anti-inflammatory action that helps treating of the existing skin problems in the scalp.
Antioxidant action (more powerful than vitamin C - E) that helps the hair to cleanse and get rid of the formation of free radicals created by time or by previous chemical treatments.
Stimulating and enhancing hair growth through the absorption of the main fatty acids, Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9.
Moisture from CBD hemp oil that prevents water loss and moisturizes hair.
Nutrition because it has high doses of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and vitamin E which are great for the scalp.
Hair protection because CBD oil contains amino acids, fatty acids and vitamins (A, C and E), which provide moisture and seal the skin, protecting hair from environmental conditions.
In conclusion, Cbd 3Dimension is a safe dye for hair and scalp that works effectively as a treatment too and can be an excellent addition to hair care.