What is Gonorrhea?
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that is caused by a bacteria called Neisseria Gonorrhoeae. It affects the womb and cervix in women and the urethra (tube inside the penis) in men and can lead to infertility if untreated. It can cause infection of the mouth or anus of both sexes. Gonorrhoea accounts for 9 out of every 100 STDs diagnosed.
How do you catch Gonorrhea?
It is passed on if you have sex with an infected person. This can be due to vaginal, anal or oral sex.
Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Women
50% of women have no symptoms. If there are symptoms women may get:
* vaginal discharge
* bleeding between periods
* bleeding after sex
* lower abdominal pain
* pain when passing urine
* pain during sex
* infection of the back passage or throat. There infections do not usually cause symptoms, but sometimes rectal itching or a sore throat may happen.
Symptoms of Gonorrhea in Men
9 out of 10 men have symptoms, which include:
* pain when passing urine
* discharge from the penis
* pain or discomfort at the end of the penis
* redness at the end of the penis.
* infection of the back passage or throat. There infections do not usually cause symptoms, but sometimes rectal itching or a sore throat may happen.
What are the treatments for Gonorrhea?
A one-off antibiotic injection called Ceftriaxone is given along with a short course of Azithromycin antibiotic for cure. Not only is it important to avoid sex for at least seven days after you and your partner/s have had treatment. But, if you do have sex, you must use a condom or oral dam as you are still infectious.
Should you get treated?
Yes! If left untreated Gonorrhea in WOMEN can lead to complications including:
* pelvic inflammatory disease which can cause pelvic pain and lead to infertility.
* premature labour, ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage.
* in newborn babies it can cause eye infections
* pelvic infection which can spread to the liver
* abscesses on the lower part of the vaginal opening
In MEN untreated Gonorrhea can lead to:
* epididymo-orchitis (an infection of the testicles or the tubes around them)
* a narrowing of the urethra may develop
* infertility
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I'm a kiwi doctor who wants to make it easier for people to fix common health problems. I work as a family doctor in New Zealand.