
Naughty EDSA Driver

Naughty EDSA Driver This started with a simple request to the driver of a private vehicle... please leave the bus lane.

The driver allegedly reacted to that request by rolling down his window and calling the enforcers D***heads

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After that, the driver was pulled to the side of the road and asked for his drivers license. I assume the intention was to issue a ticket for the original alleged violation (yellow lane) and perhaps for arrogance.

Because the driver refused to surrender his license and the MMDA don't have Police powers, they immediately sought support from the PNP (HPG).

The driver claimed he was going to the hospital to see his mother in law. It's unclear if it was an emergency because he consumed a lot of time arguing on the road.

The driver was showing the contact name and number for a VIP and saying he was getting ready to call them. This might be perceived as an attempt to intimidate the enforcers.

Later the driver said "I'm gonna fu***ng tare your fu***ng head off..."

After that, the driver alluded to the enforcers wanting money from him.

Eventually he surrendered his license and was ticketed. At this point I don't know if there will be further action like a request to revoke drivers license

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