
Big Facts E6: Robbing Isn't Hustling, Street Ethics, Clout, Envy, Social Media, Checking Self & More

Big Facts E6: Robbing Isn't Hustling, Street Ethics, Clout, Envy, Social Media, Checking Self & More Big Bank and DJ Scream are back for another episode of Big Facts! They talk about the massive response of Big Facts and talk about what's next for the show and special guests to come like Peewee Longway, Young Scooter, Rocko, & Bank talks about wanting to interview the mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms, & gives her props for cutting the City of Atlanta drug task force. Bank thinks that this move is to encourage the youth to get back to hustling instead of robbing and terrorizing the city. They talk about the mind frame of youth who have no idea how to hustle and break down why robbing isn't a way to hustle, it's only a come up. Bank talks about his days as a youth and how different things are now opposed to then. He talks about taking care of the elderly ladies in his neighborhood, feeding them and taking their trash out when they hustled in front of their homes. Nowadays, the youth rob the elderly and create fear instead of protecting & respecting them. Scream says this turn is because people are addicted to clout as opposed to making money. They discuss how people are motivated by having a gangster image and how we should be thinking of being hustlers first, players second, and a gangster only when its time & necessary.

Next, Bank talks about why he hates the internet and how he has been warning people since myspace days not to get too attached. He talks about how being overly emotional with access to social media is a recipe for disaster and is too easy to expose flaws. He talks about how Offset wanted him to put a verse on Clout with Cardi B and how sick he is that he passed up on the opportunity. He talks about how although he has made dumb moves in the past, he has always been motivated by the money and providing a better way for his family. He talks about how now a lot of people are motivated by hate, envy, & jealousy and for that reason nothing they do will turn out successful. He also talks about how anything goes now, and that one of the biggest rules in the game is to leave civilians alone unless they signed up for the street life.

Next, they discuss solutions, specifically for Atlanta and the streets everywhere. They talk about how the internet infested the world, and first things first is to stay focused on goals and better outcomes than hoes, which Bank stands on as being the root of most beef although most will not admit it. They talk about how the goal of Big Facts is to uplift provide a different perspective and game for the streets, for those who are able to think objectively and check themselves when necessary. Bank talks about people being reckless in the streets without handling their business first, like having life insurance and making sure their families aren't struggling.

Bank drops some gems that he learned from the book, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, which was recommended to him by Mike Will. He talks about how everything starts with the ability to focus on and fix self first instead of finding problems with everything outside of self. He talks about his preference for listening to audiobooks and also recommends As a Man Thinketh. He talks about the mind being a garden and the importance of tending to your garden with thoughts of greatness instead of letting your mind run wild with weeds of negative energy. Bank concludes by saying that if you aren't scared of the streets, you haven't been in them long enough. He talks about the importance of moving like you are valuable and never getting too comfortable even once you find the success that you are after.

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big facts,episode 6,big bank black,dj scream,bigbankdte,djscream,robbing,hustling,atlanta,street ethics,envy,clout,jealousy,social media,the four agreements,as a man thinketh,drug task force,internet,elderly,protect,respect,terrorizing,fear,gangster,player,emotional,motivation,heart,hate,life insurance,business,street life,civilians,solutions,focus,hoes,beef,self check,reckless,keisha lance bottoms,atlanta mayor,youth,game,og,big bank,

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