
What Is A Wellness Benefit With Regards To Health Insurance? | Your Health Our Promise

What Is A Wellness Benefit With Regards To Health Insurance? | Your Health Our Promise The CEO of Aditya Birla Health Insurance, Mayank Bathwal, is on #YourHealthOurPromise with Vivek Law talking about wellness benefits. He says his company has been playing the role of health financier even in secondary and tertiary healthcare expenses in the hospital. Expenses don’t only happen in hospitals. There must have been something which led to person to be in the hospital.

He says health means different things to different consumers. While dealing only with funding the actual event, we are missing the opportunity to prevent, eliminate or defer the actual event by offering wellness benefits.

Therefore, we help by giving access to healthcare as well as health financing. Wellness could include fitness, nutrition, coaching, mental health, etc. By providing better access to healthcare facilities, we can empower consumers to have better health. And our products also provide 30%, of the consumer’s premium, back for better health behaviour.
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