
TORAH: Not Under The Law but Under Grace Theology vs God's Kingdom Dominion Covenant ?

TORAH: Not Under The Law  but Under Grace Theology vs  God's Kingdom Dominion Covenant ? Not under the Law but under Grace theology have impacted millions of Christians not to accept the Commandments of God including the "10 Commandments" in their so called Christian life and beliefs. This theology also contributed to other 10 more Christian theologies added into Christianity that made the Bible a quote and quote a subjective religion of the ages. I will go over these 10 replacement theologies that derived from the "Not Under the Law but under Grace Theology" after the reformation of the Vatican with Protestantism. These Christian theologies are going against the preaching ministry message of the Messiah and his Apostles. I explain this paradox in the video. During this video, I will also talk about the Law as in "General Terms" vs Commandments of God as the Messiah , Prophets, and Apostles referred to when they spoke of the "Law" in a singular form. Just like when we say , " don't go against the law or you will get a ticket" which law are we referring to? family law or traffic law? We tend to use the general term of "the Law" when people break the "laws" of the land and the become under the law.

This is exactly what caused the confusion in Christianity and among the non denominational , Messianic churches including but not limited to Jehovah's Witnesses or Watchtower, Mormons, Seventh Day Adventist churches or similar Christian sects. They have substituted the preaching main message of the Messiah and the Apostles with replacement theologies. I will go over the 7 branches of the Hebraic Laws or "Living Torah" as how the nation of Israel executed these laws, statutes, ordinances, and decrees in their real life scenarios also how they executed the law as a kingdom under king David and king Solomon. NOT UNDER THE LAW BUT UNDER GRACE THEOLOGY have confused millions of Christians and opted out the Old Testament to be done away and only use it as a reference or fairy tale story in biblical studies.

Not under the law,Torah,Old Testament theology,Under Grace,Bible,Kingdom of God,kingdom covenant,spiritual israel,israel nation,Messiah Law,Hebrew Roots,Salvation,Christianity,

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