
This is why you should not play solo|duoQ at night (WEST)

This is why you should not play solo|duoQ at night (WEST) Hey boys , this video shows how bad is solo/duoQ at night time .
Hey chalani , toto video ukazuje aké zlé je solo/duoQ v noci .

Ak máte nejaké otázky dôjdite na stream !
If you have any questions come to stream !

Where you can find me ( Kde ma môžete nájsť ) :

Intro song : Really Slow Motion - Deadwood
Outro song : Jarico - U (Original Mix)

If you have any suggestions how to improve my editing feel free to write it in comments .

Ak máte nejaké nápady ako zlepšiť moje editovanie , nebojte sa to napísať do komentáru .

#leagueoflegends #kaisa #adc

league of legends,diamond,west,eng,cz,sk,skila,kaisa,adc,main,high elo,not boosted,duoQ,

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