
Suicidal Tendencies- Ruthies Inn, Berkeley Ca. 1985 xfer from low gen audio cassette REPOST

Suicidal Tendencies- Ruthies Inn, Berkeley Ca. 1985 xfer from low gen audio cassette REPOST I made a mistake yesterday- I assumed that suicidal only played Ruthie's once. They played at least 3 times. After some detective work, we think that the suicidal show I posted yesterday as 4/18/86 is probably 2/15/85. Dan Hague already posted 4/18/86 from Chris Dodge's collection and it is a different show. This setlist leans heavily toward the 1st LP, and someone yells "play some possessed" repeatedly at about the 33min mark. Possessed opened the 2/15/85 show, and the ST song "Possessed to Skate" was written, but it seems to have different lyrics/different name. So, 90% sure it is 2/15/85.

Recorded by: ?
Transfer by: Shayne Stacy
Equipment used: Nakamichi Dragon & M-Audio Audiophile 2496 card


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