
Making Contact With The Man In The Shroud 2020 Video

Making Contact With The Man In The Shroud 2020 Video The calculated odds of probability and chance the prayer and the event seen in this video are not related is less than 1%. That means there is over a 99% chance Jesus is the Resurrected Messiah and the image on The Shroud of Turin is the true image of Jesus which occurred as a result of the Resurrection, a near mathematical certainty.

The combined personal testimony of ALL of US, would make it a mathematical certainty. I am only 1 person and have proved there is over a 99% chance Jesus is the Resurrected Messiah. So PLEASE add your personal testimony. Have you ever prayed in the name of Jesus for some improbable event to occur and then it happened? Do you think that was a coincidence? WE WANT TO HEAR ABOUT IT! Please tell us your story!


All of our combined testimony cannot all be coincidences!

It is time to put aside petty and trivial differences and unite the body of Christ.

Our witnesses are video surveillance cameras, ac voltage and extremely low frequency sensors. They do not care if Jesus is the Son of God or not, they do not fear being condemned. They simply report the truth without bias. And they most certainly did their job in this video. They are the perfect witnesses. Their testimony is in the hard drive of our video surveillance equipment. An unchangeable truth.
To bet against Jesus being the Resurrected Messiah would be not unlike going into a Las Vegas Casino and putting everything you own, your house, your car and all your money on a team that has over a 99% of losing. Most people would question the intelligence of such a decision especially a decision that could result in that person being separated from light for all eternity and put into darkness. It is not worth it. We strongly suggest to one who has their entire bank on a team that has over a 99% of losing to reverse the situation. The good news is that this bet that can be changed. We can go back to the casino and get our money back, “I changed my mind” “I do not want my entire bank on a team that has a 99% chance of losing”
There is no downside to believing in Jesus; in the worst case scenario one would leave this Earth a person of improved character as a result, more loving, faithful and forgiving. Success is about the person we become; as a result of having Jesus as role model we become more successful.
In this video we state that if we likened the ELF frequency sensor to that of a roulette wheel, the odds of probability and chance of the frequency sensor measuring 3.333 HZ was 1 in 19,997.
It is actually beyond that, it is more like one in 100,000. A low end figure. One has to take into account the decimal points and the fact that the sensor most often reads out zero, meaning nothing is going to happen. This would be not unlike choosing your numbers for a lottery and then having the lottery officials announce that no numbers would be drawn on that day, meaning your chance of winning would be 0%.
From a mathematical standpoint, if you have your entire bank on Jesus as the Resurrected Messiah, you stand over a 99% of winning.
That is the pure math, taking out human emotions, bias and contempt.
Even Spock from Star Trek would have to go on the side of the pure math and put his bank on Jesus.
To do otherwise “would not be logical”
The Shroud of Turin is the most powerful witness in the world who tells the most powerful truth, May that TRUTH, set you free forever! Amen

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