
Five Bible Predictions About the Middle East: Regrettably it Will Get Worse for Jerusalem and Israel

Five Bible Predictions About the Middle East: Regrettably it Will Get Worse for Jerusalem and Israel Learn what God has in store for the Middle East in this FREE book: "The Middle East in Prophecy" No shipping and handling, no credit card info!

My friends, will there ever be peace in the Middle East? Military conflicts and terrorism never seem to cease. Today, nearly 30 years after U.S. President George H.W. Bush sent military forces to stop Saddam Hussein’s attack on the nation of Kuwait, American lives continue to be lost in the Middle East wars. Controversy surrounds Iran’s ongoing attempts to develop the nuclear fission capabilities that could lead to nuclear weapons. Violent Islamist militants from ISIS and Al Qaeda struggle to revive their forces. The tiny nation of Israel struggles for peace, while neighboring Palestinians demand better conditions and more control in their West Bank and Gaza Strip strongholds. Will wars and conflicts continue in the Middle East? Your Bible reveals that a great world war, focused on the Middle East, will precede the most amazing event yet to come in Bible prophecy—the return of Jesus Christ! How will you know when this event is about to occur? What prophetic signs should you be watching for? Will there be peace in the Middle East?

Many of us worry, express concern, and even become frightened when we read in our daily news about the wars, conflicts, and terrorism in many parts of the world. Troubles in the Middle East, in particular, affect not just the Jewish people, but also billions of Christians and Muslims. Controversy flared in May 2018 when the United States moved its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. American members of Congress remain divided over Israel’s treatment of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza. While many nations around the world call Israel an “apartheid” state and make demands on behalf of the region’s Arabs and Palestinians, the United States has remained firm as one of Israel’s few staunch allies around the globe. Will this change? Will Israel thrive, or even survive as a Jewish nation? Will it survive at all?

My friends, there IS good news for the future! Bible prophecy reveals the sequence of events leading up to the return of Jesus Christ to establish the glorious Kingdom of God. Scripture reveals, and in fact guarantees, that world peace will ultimately reign in the Middle East—and on all of planet Earth! But first, there will be war and bloodshed on a scale never before seen. You need to be ready, and you need to know what to watch for so you and your loved ones can escape the troubles ahead!

On today’s program, we’ll briefly discuss five prophetic signs to watch for in the Middle East. And we’ll be offering you an exciting free booklet that will give you inspiring insight and understanding. It’s titled The Middle East in Prophecy. This booklet will help you understand what the Bible teaches about the amazing end-time events surrounding Jerusalem and the entire Middle East. You can order the booklet by calling the phone number on your screen, or by visiting our Website,

Some of you older viewers may remember the Iran-Iraq war, which lasted from 1980 to 1988. More than a million people were killed in that war between Muslim nations. The Euphrates River was a focal point of that conflict. Your Bible reveals that the Euphrates River will be a key strategic position at the end of this present age.


If you have your Bible, turn to the book of Revelation, chapter 9. REVELATION 9:13:

“Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, ‘Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.’ So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to KILL A THIRD OF MANKIND. Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them.” (Revelation 9:13–16).

My friends, this is describing another world war! And this phase of World War III will kill not just millions, but even BILLIONS of human beings! Jesus Christ said that unless those days were shortened no flesh would be saved—all life on earth would be destroyed. That’s in Matthew 24:21–22. Look on any map and you’ll see that those nations east of the Euphrates include Iran, India, China, and Russia. And an army of 200 million will form in this area and march to the Euphrates. Even now, China is taking steps to strengthen its military force.

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