HELLO NEIGHBOR & BALDI together equal the GRAVEWOOD HIGH TEACHER!!! Thumbs up for beating Alpha 1!! You want to see more?? We do too!! ALPHA 2!! ALPHA 2!!!! Come one everybody! ALPHA TWO!!! ALPHA TWO!!!! Wait, maybe this is Miss T's Husband? 🛒Get FGTeeV Merch here ➡ & Be an FGTEEVER, SUBSCRIBE ➡ 🎮Download FGTEEV's Free mobile game APE CHASE: 📚Buy our FGTeeV Presents "Into The Game" Book wherever books are sold:
ABOUT FGTEEV: FGTeeV is a Gaming Channel that plays hilariously fun and scary games! Duddz is the main gamer and sometimes he brings his family in for a more dynamic gameplay! His family includes his wife "Moomy", Chase, Mike, Lex & Shawn! Thanks for checking us out.
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