Shawn is a husband, father, yogi, and a student of overall wellness. He is also a recovering sex and porn addict. After being exposed to pornography at a very young and impressionable age, Shawn found himself grappling with addiction before he had the chance to learn about healthy sexuality. Despite his efforts to quit and even after confiding in his wife, Shawn struggled with his compulsion to watch porn. Eventually, his addiction escalated to having affairs with multiple women. Hear podcast host Garrett Jonsson and Shawn discuss how his addiction escalated over time and how his wife and him have since taken steps toward recovery, both for Shawn and their marriage.
If you or a loved one is struggling with pornography, we highly recommend checking out our friends at Fortify. Fortify is a science-based recovery platform dedicated to helping people find lasting freedom from pornography. You can start Fortify for free by visiting
To learn more about the harms of pornography on consumers, relationships, and its larger societal impacts, visit
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