মবাইল ফোন শিক্ষকসকলে শ্ৰেণীকোঠাত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰাতো প্ৰসংগত এই ভিডিঅ'টো বনোৱা হৈছে। এই কথাটোত এটা বিৰ্তক আছিল।nishtha teachers training এ এই প্ৰসংগত কি কয়? should teacher use mobile phone in the classroom? there was a controversy in this regards. but nishtha teachers trainning program allows to use the cell phone in the classroom. teachers should know how to use mobile phone in the classroom judiciously. my other videos on nishtha: Why NiShtha,কিছু প্ৰশ্ন
Nishtha training pret test|post test|ভেকোভাঁওনা
শিশু বিকাশ আৰু শিক্ষা বিজ্ঞান । Child development and pedagog.
মোবাইল ফোন প্ৰসংগ,mobile phone controversy,use of cell phone for nishtha registration,nishtha anroid phone,nishtha app,nishtha log in for pretest posttest,nishtha activity in anroidmobile,how t,